Your Trust is the Greatest Gift

Jemez Pueblo Tree Planting - New Mexico

This year we made some decisions. 

In the midst of rapidly growing programs, accelerating climate impacts, and the instability created by COVID, we found ourselves spread thin, worn out, and pulled in too many directions. 

So, over the past several months, Trees, Water & People (TWP) took on the challenge of stepping back to define our priorities, both for internal clarity, as well as to share with our more than 2,000 individual supporters and dozens of foundations and corporate partners. 

TWP’s priorities are what we hope to achieve through our programs, whether on Tribal Lands here in the U.S., or abroad in Central America. They are informed by the communities we serve, put into action by our staff and partners, and fueled by the trust of donors like you.

These priorities guide our work. They help us communicate what’s important to us, and give us a framework through which to make critical decisions. 

Just shy of 25 years old, TWP is taking on bigger challenges and responsibilities. One of those responsibilities is making sure TWP is set up to thrive for 25 more years - ensuring that the work we do today will create positive impacts long after we’re gone.

The trust you share today is our fuel for this future - we’re grateful to have it.


Solstice and Renewal


Beyond Advocacy: How TWP is advancing Indigenous Sovereignty