Solstice and Renewal

by Sebastian Africano, TWP Executive Director

Happy Solstice

Happy solstice everybody.

In a few days we start getting a few extra minutes of daylight per day, and we get a choice of how we put those precious minutes to use. At best, we can hope to get to do the things we love, with the people we love, support the causes we care about, and work for the world we want.  

At Trees, Water & People (TWP), solstice is a time to reflect on the growth we’ve experienced in the past year, and to express gratitude for all we’ve accomplished. It’s also a time to look forward, to what we will accomplish in the coming year. 

…and the truth is, we wouldn’t accomplish a thing without our dedicated staff, or the trust of our community partners and leaders in the places we work. These are the people who show up every day to lift the heavy loads that come with the challenges we take on. 

A friend once called our work “emotional labor”, and it’s true. It’s a blessing to believe in something so deeply that you dedicate every day to it. But it can also make it doubly heavy when the going gets tough.  

So let’s take a moment to thank all who work for TWP and what we envision for the world. And of course, thanks to all of you who make it possible with your generous donations. 

It’s a group effort, and we are proud to make it all happen every year. 

How will you use your extra minutes of daylight this year?


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