25 for 25 Ray Tollison 25 for 25 Ray Tollison

Our Priorities

In 2022, Trees, Water & People (TWP) took on the challenge of stepping back to define our priorities, both for internal clarity, as well as to share with our more than 2,000 individual supporters and dozens of foundations and corporate partners. The insightful conversations and reflection led to the definition of our 5 priorities that we hope to achieve through our programs, whether on Tribal Lands in the U.S., or abroad in Central America.

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Beyond Advocacy: How TWP is advancing Indigenous Sovereignty

At Trees, Water & People (TWP), we unequivocally celebrate the autonomy of Tribes within the United States, and advocate for Native sovereignty in decisions that affect their territories, cultures, and communities. There are 574 Federally recognized Tribes in our country, each with rich histories, traditions, and governance structures that deserve our respect and attention.

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