New Mexico Tribal Forest and Fire Summit
January 30th - February 1st, 2024 • Santa Ana Star Casino
For more information please contact us.
New Mexico Tribal Forest and Fire Summit
Morning Session: Challenges & Obstacles in Tribal Forest & Fire management
Discussion & Sharing session
Want to share some stemming concerns or challenges you’ve encountered in your work? Do you have a list of needs and wants for your Tribal forest and/or fire projects?
This workshop session will bring everyone together to share challenges, concerns and roadblocks that are affecting Tribal projects. We will break into small groups to discuss these obstacles and brainstorm ideas and solutions on how to overcome them. The expected outcome is to have a clearer idea on common challenges and obstacles affecting Tribal projects and how we can tackle these collectively.
After the session, we will be joined by invited Tribal leaders to listen and learn about the challenges and the support Tribal communities need to get past these obstacles.
Afternoon Break-Out sessions
Track 1: Agreements & Contracts
Have you wanted to execute an agreement with a federal or state entity for future projects?
Come learn about different agreements and contracts that Tribes can execute with the United States Forest Service, Bureau of Indian Affairs and State of New Mexico - Forestry Division. Each entity will present on the process, protocols and benefits their agreements provide to Tribal nations.
Track 2: Youth Engagement
Are you interested to learn more about getting youth in your community engaged and involved with your work? Or do you need labor and/or management support for your projects?
Come learn about the different youth corps programs that support Tribal youth and projects. We will have the Ancestral Lands Conservation Corps, Rocky Mountain Youth Corps and Forest Stewards Guild present on their programming, recruitment efforts and partnership opportunities with Tribes.
Track 3: Collaborative Tribal Projects
Have you thought about the effectiveness of collaborating with another Tribal community on a specific project?
This session will highlight three Tribal projects in New Mexico that worked collaboratively with other Tribes and discuss the effectiveness of these efforts. This will be a great opportunity to hear directly from Tribal directors and land managers who helped shape the collaborative project and partnership.
Social Mixer
Come join us for an evening to relax and network. Light refreshments will be provided with a cash bar.