Dignified Livelihoods, Climate Change Ray Tollison Dignified Livelihoods, Climate Change Ray Tollison

Roots of Migration

Five years ago Trees, Water & People ran a campaign - Roots of Migration - speaking to the rise in climate migration out of Central America.

We spoke to the fact that people migrated for three main reasons: 1. Security - including physical violence and sociopolitical violence like corruption, 2. Economic - where people weren't making enough income to live with dignity, and 3. Environmental - where people's land no longer provided for basic needs.

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Reforestation Ray Tollison Reforestation Ray Tollison

Tree planting efforts aren’t replacing burned U.S. forests — not even close

By Adria Malcolm and Andrew Hay, Andrea Januta

Reforestation supporters say planting trees helps fight climate change, protects watersheds and creates jobs -- arguments that help generate both global enthusiasm and U.S. bipartisan support. Lawmakers are seeking extra federal funding for such efforts. Some public-private partnerships committed to growing trees have been launched.

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Climate Change Ray Tollison Climate Change Ray Tollison

IPCC Report on the State of Global Climate Change

The IPCC just released its 6th Assessment Report on the state of global climate change, and the prognosis isn't great. Humans are the primary drivers of increased greenhouse gas emissions, and our decisions as consumers will be the greatest determinant of our climate future. The time to act was yesterday - let's do this.

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