MAP, Environmental Stewardship Ray Tollison MAP, Environmental Stewardship Ray Tollison

MAQUI Touching Earth

When our partners say the sky is the limit, they don’t often mean literally. 

But of the hundreds of thousands of trees sown by our partner in El Salvador, Agua y Arboles para el Pueblo (AAP), one has reached new heights. 

In early April, AAP’s executive director, Armando Hernandez, received an unusual call from the U.S. Embassy in El Salvador. Frank Rubio, a well-known U.S. astronaut of Salvadoran descent, was visiting the country and needed help planting some very special seeds.

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Hope in ASOPROAJ’s Organizational Strengthening: A Path to Sustainability

The Association of Agroecological Promoters of Jalapa (ASOPROAJ), an indigenous organization of the Xinca people in Guatemala, represents a light of hope in the country's Dry Corridor, especially in the municipality of San Carlos Alzatate. Since its legal constitution in 2022, ASOPROAJ has grown to 80 promoters between men and women distributed throughout the region, there are currently 15 active members in leadership positions.

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Ray Tollison Ray Tollison

Long-term Relationships = Long-term Support

This afternoon we had a visit from long time Trees, Water & People (TWP) supporter, Karen Allen. Not only had she brought us a bunch of surplus tomato seedlings for TWP staff, she also came bearing a significant gift to start TWP’s work in Mexico.

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