CAP, Guatemala Ray Tollison CAP, Guatemala Ray Tollison

Declaration of Solidarity

In light of the difficult situation being experienced in Guatemala, and in solidarity with the partners and communities with whom Trees, Water & People works, we join with the voices denouncing corruption, recognizing that this is the only way for the country to move towards a dignified future, with equality and justice.

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Youth Development, Guatemala Ray Tollison Youth Development, Guatemala Ray Tollison

Involving the Next Generation in Forest Conservation

The community of La Bendición continues to stand out for its strong leadership and capacity for self-management. The most vital part of this community is not only its inhabitants and leadership, but also their beautiful lush forest. With the support of Utz Che’, the community groups (youth group, women’s group, and general assembly) have been a part of forest conservation projects, and its proper management and care for years. This year, in collaboration with TWP, Utz Che’, and Colorado State University, the community participated in their first biodiversity project.

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International, Guatemala Ray Tollison International, Guatemala Ray Tollison

Safeguarding ancestral practices through knowledge dissemination in Guatemalan rural communities

In the communities of Aldea Nueva, La Ceibita, and Piedras Negras in the Department of Jalapa, Guatemala, the community gardens are managed by three incredible women’s groups. While they play a major role in the creation and maintenance of the gardens, their children are also playing an active role in learning all about their ancestral knowledge, ancient foods and health.

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