Trees, Water & People

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1,000,000 for Lucas

UPDATE JULY 12, 2022

It is hard to imagine that 5 years ago today, Trees, Water & People faced its darkest moment in history, losing Lucas “El Lobo” Wolf, our incredibly adored colleague and friend.

Lucas Wolf was the kind of person that always saw what was possible—all the goodness in the world—and what people are really capable of. He generously shared his big heart with everyone around him. At Trees, Water & People, he put his contagious energy towards building relationships to strengthen our Central America Program, while everything else fell to the bottom of his to-do list as Program Director. Indeed, the way he valued relationships over everything else so accurately captures the essence of TWP and how we work—in partnership with the people facing the world’s toughest social and environmental challenges. 

Lucas always told me, “Lead with your heart!” especially when things got really tough (as doing community development work often does). I remember one very rainy night, we were reflecting upon our field visits in the Montecillos Region of Central Honduras. The rain was slamming against the sheet metal roof while a barely audible reggaeton song was playing in the background (Despacito had just been released so it was obviously on repeat). Almost screaming so I could hear him, Lucas asked, “What’s there to lose by putting our hearts out to the world?” I just remember laughing and shaking my head, “Lucas, you are right!” and from then on I always committed to staying true to myself and my work, and looking out for the chance to be courageous for myself and others.  

I did not realize that the unforgettable trip to Honduras in June of 2017 would be the last time I would see Lucas, and like many others, I feel comfort knowing that his presence has remained in my life, and inspired my work for 5 adventurous years. It has been an honor to lead the Central America Program since his death (big shoes to fill!) but a journey made easier by having a constant and everlasting friendship in him, and inheriting so many of his cherished relationships, each I’ve tried to care for in his absence (including his kitties!). 

To honor Lucas’ incredible spirit, dedication, and heart for the people of the Americas, TWP is well on our way to planting one million trees in his name with our Latin American and Tribal partners in the United States. We are so proud to have planted 698,663 trees to date across Guatemala, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Honduras, Cuba, New Mexico, South Dakota, Colorado, and beyond! 

Thank you Lucas, for lighting such a bright path for all of your cherished friends, family members, acquaintances, and even those that have only known you through stories, dreams, and photos. We will miss you forever homie, and we will always honor all that you are. 


Gemara Gifford
Central America Program Director