1000000 Trees For Lucas Ray Tollison 1000000 Trees For Lucas Ray Tollison


Live Life Like Lucas

Back in September 2023, a familiar but unknown face sat down across from me at a closing reception for a forum in Costa Rica. By the time our eyes connected, we both noticeably paused, stared, and slowly pointed at one another. Seconds later we embraced for a full minute without saying a word.

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25 for 25 Ray Tollison 25 for 25 Ray Tollison

Lucas Wolf

Back in 2014, I picked up the phone and called a candidate to support TWP’s Central America program. This individual was born and raised in Fort Collins, CO – TWP’s home base – but had been living in Central America after leaving a job with a USAID contractor in the U.S. As soon as he picked up the phone, I tested him by speaking to him in a flurry of Central American Spanish, to see how he would respond. Without missing a beat, he responded with a fluency and panache that made me smile ear to ear. I knew from that instant that I had called the right guy. Lucas Wolf came to TWP during a critical time, and as a master relationship builder, helped set the foundation for the organization’s next generation of leaders. In his three year journey to becoming the Director of the Central America Program, he left an indelible mark on all of us. His passing from heart failure at 36 years old impacted us all in ways we’ll never fully heal from, but inspired us to continue building the program and organization in his memory. - Sebas.

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