Early Bet, Ongoing Impact

Early Bet, Ongoing Impact

In the community development sector, it often takes years to know how well an idea delivers on its potential. “Clean” cookstoves were a relatively blunt tool at the time – there were few, simple designs, minimal geographic coverage, and a nascent understanding of what made an “improved” cookstove better than tried and true traditional options.

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Can Forests and Cities Coexist?

Can Forests and Cities Coexist?

I had always assumed that when humans arrived anywhere, the general pattern that followed was of deforestation and natural resource degradation. I believed that the mango, citrus, jocote, avocado, allspice, nance, oak, acacia, guanacaste, and other gorgeous fruiting and flowering trees were merely what was left after human settlements expanded here.But, the story is more complicated than that.

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How Can We Reduce Migration Out of Central America?

How Can We Reduce Migration Out of Central America?

Last week on Colorado Public Radio, I heard about a Pew Research Center study on U.S. immigration from Guatemala, El Salvador, and Honduras — an area known as the Northern Triangle. The study shows that while annual immigration to the U.S. from Mexico fell by 5% after the Great Recession, migration from the Northern Triangle rose by almost 30% during that same period.

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