Local people, especially women, youth, and sovereign Tribal nations, need a permanent seat at the table when decisions are being made about their land, resources, and economic futures.

Putting community priorities at the center of every project, and bringing local voices into the decision making process is the secret to our success. By listening first, we build trusting relationships that produce lasting results. This is especially crucial in Indigenous communities that have had empowerment stripped from their communities via displacement, discrimination, and destabiliztion. Working through local partners helps us develop local leadership for ongoing positive change. 

When we provide wages for forest rangers and fire crews, or add to a farmer’s income by planting diverse groups of trees on their land, or by helping them introduce higher value crops, or when we help fund clean cookstove projects, more rural tradespeople get regular work, while reducing local demand for firewood, and improving community health.

Our Vision

  • Healthy Watersheds

    Healthy Watersheds

    Healthy watersheds provide water, food, natural and cultural resources to sustain Indigenous communities across the Americas, and are habitat to diverse and resilient ecosystems.

  • Economic Development

    Economic Development

    Income opportunities and sustainable livelihoods are a key to creating lasting impact on local environments, while accelerating self-sufficiency and community resiliency.