Support Future Generations TODAY
When parents in rural Central America or on Indigenous lands in the U.S. want to leave their grandchildren something of value, they often plant a tree, knowing that one day the trees will provide sustenance and help them plan for the future.
Trees are a store of value. They are a provider of nutrition, shade, energy, income, and timber for shelter, tools, and furniture. In rural areas, where planning for the future is a luxury few have - trees are a solid investment with a predictable return.
One of the principles that guides us at Trees, Water & People (TWP) is to leave the world better than we found it, for future generations. We accomplish this by creating opportunities for people to live a healthier life, to make a living wage, to provide for their families, to embrace culture and traditions, and to prepare for the future.
For Santo Domingo Pueblo elder, Joe Bird, the restoration of Tribal lands is more than regenerating critical natural resources. He believes in restoration as a form of medicine to preserve the land, language and rich traditional values that are imperative to the survival of people in Santo Domingo Pueblo.