You can make an impact!

Trio - Upward Bound Students

We know the profound impact of travel – particularly interculturally-focused travel – on young people. It can literally change the course of their lives and careers. However, this kind of life-changing experience is usually outside the means of students from lower-income backgrounds.

Trees, Water, and People are partnering with the CSU Upward Bound Program with the aim of making such an opportunity possible for first-generation and low-income high school students. So why partner with Upward Bound? Upward Bound works to develop the motivation and skills of first-generation and low-income students so that they enter and succeed in higher education at rates equal to or higher than other students.

Trio - Upward Bound Students

Through this partnership, TWP and Upward Bound aim to take 18-20 students on the kind of rich, challenging, interculturally- and environmentally-focused experience that only TWP Tours provides.

You can help us now by supporting our efforts to raise the remaining $5000.00 so that all of the students can join us in South Dakota for a challenging, interculturally and environmentally focused journey.


Welcome Humble Bundle


New Mexico Foundation Grantee Workshop