Advancing Environmental and Human Health

Clean Cookstove

For 25 years, we have been working with our partners and local community members to design clean cookstoves that greatly reduce deadly indoor air pollution, deforestation, and high fuel costs.The Justa Stove helps protect the environment and improves people’s health and economy: 

“My vision used to get blurry. With this stove I feel healthier. I hope it’s functional my whole life because it's good for my health. My two eldest daughters finished their school year thanks to the fact that I set up my tortilla business, it has helped me a lot". -Nubia Araseli Guzman, Community El Taladro, Comayagua, Honduras.

Dunia Galeano is a leader of the community of El Taladro. With her Justa Stove she is able to run a baleada (typical Honduran hand-held food) business with her family for an income. Dunia is passionate about helping other women in her community. “A lot of the women in our community are single mothers. Stoves help them out a lot, they only need a third of the wood  they used to need for 2 weeks. It saves them time and money.”

25 for 25

Indigenous Sovereignty In Action


Doña Justa