Going Beyond Transactional Funding

Watering just one plant doesn’t make a garden grow…

The issues Trees, Water & People (TWP) addresses have compounded over centuries, so solving them requires that we think big picture and on long time-scales.

Tangible, long-term change is difficult to achieve with restrictive funding relationships. Some of our favorite funders have maximized impact by:

  • Seeing us as partners working together to solve difficult problems

  • Providing multi-year grants that allow us to plan long-term

  • Honoring the relationship-building process that makes TWP successful

  • Keeping us accountable through regular calls, visits and/or check-ins

  • Valuing and trusting the people that implement the work

Basing success on numbers of “things done” per dollar misses the big picture, and dilutes the priorities of the people and ecosystems we serve.

When you support TWP’s mission, your funding allows us to show up consistently, meet people where they are, build trust, and advance programs that move at the pace of local realities.

We can’t quantify the value of protecting a generations-old forest and water source, or the importance of biodiversity and Indigenous sovereignty over ancestral territories. But we try to keep those goals in focus as we invest in the people whose lives depend on these resources.

At TWP you can invest in creating lasting change for Indigenous communities and our planet, while enjoying an authentic connection to those who benefit from your support.

Reach out to TWP - let’s talk about how we can change the world together.


Long-term Relationships = Long-term Support


The New Mesoamerica Program at TWP