A labor of love: Dignified Livelihoods at TWP

“We seek to help create work opportunities that people can be proud of and that contribute to a higher standard of living.”

At TWP we believe everyone deserves a dignified livelihood. A dignified livelihood is more than income security,  it's one that provides a safe and enjoyable environment, that ensures dignity and respect and gives constant opportunities to transcend barriers and grow. At TWP, this starts from within. 

This month, along with a great group of TWP staff, I embarked on an adventure around Central America. We had the opportunity to meet with partners, visit amazing communities, and enjoy the beauty and rich culture of Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala. We witnessed first hand the progress of many of the projects we support, but most importantly, were able to interact with community members and see how their lives have been positively impacted thanks to our work.

I feel confident speaking on behalf of the group when I say that this was a humbling and rewarding experience. The warmth and excitement we were greeted with at each of our stops is proportional to the gratitude we returned home with; which coincidentally for me is just a couple doors down in Costa Rica. 

As I spend a few days at home, I reflect on what a privilege it is to give back to my community through a job that makes me feel valued and challenged. Opportunities like these contribute to the pride and passion I feel for the work we get to do. A labor of love.

I’m excited to share many more stories from the trip with all of you!

The COEAS and TWP Team

New Opportunities for Sharing Indigenous Knowledge with Tribal Youth


More Dignified Livelihoods: Beyond economic growth