Trees, Water & People

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Back in September 2023, a familiar but unknown face sat down across from me at a closing reception for a forum in Costa Rica. By the time our eyes connected, we both noticeably paused, stared, and slowly pointed at one another. Seconds later we embraced for a full minute without saying a word. 

The only time I had met this person was for a few minutes at the memorial service for a man we both loved fiercely, and who died seven years ago today - Lucas Cameron Wolf. We were both lucky enough to be “wingmen” to Lucas in different phases of his life, and had heard enough stories about one another that we were basically friends. 

Meeting Brian like that, beyond the swirling emotions of the memorial, was like seeing Lucas in the flesh. 

It was beautiful, emotional, and reaffirming. 

Reaffirming because all of Lucas’s friends that I’ve met since he passed while with me in Cuba have been reflections of who he was. They radiate joy, possibility, and a commitment to what the world could be. 

They all were significantly impacted by Lucas’s approach to life, and dealt a blow by his death. 

Yesterday I shared a toast with some Cuban friends in Colorado who were instrumental in helping us get Lucas cremated and off the island under intense circumstances in 2017. Another Cuban friend who was with us that week presented his family with a portrait of Lucas, which brought all of us to tears with the accuracy of his depiction. 

Everyone he interacted with became an appreciated and close friend, because that’s who he was, and how he rolled. 

And he keeps leaving us little surprises too. A few months back we got a random request from an architecture magazine to use a photo he took while with me in Guatemala in 2015 for an article. The author’s name… Sebastian. 

So pour a shot of rum out for Lucas tonight to keep him mischievous and present. 

We miss you, brother, and will never stop keeping your memory alive. 

Live Life Like Lucas. 

July 12, 2024